More info on Israelis nuke F-35 shot down by Russia. Larry Johnson gives his analysis. Cathedral has managed to keep this off the normies radar. for how long? who knows?

I did a quick search and found Youtuber and cathedral cocksucker, Ryan Macbeth, attempt to smear and discredit Pepe Escobar as a Russian propagandist. He’s so transparent.

@marlathetourist Peter Griffin look. Pedophile. Future trans-woman. Beta-male. Probably a cuck. Watches Destiny’s debates.

@Indignation @marlathetourist The issue is that if it's acknowledged to have happened, Israel must be destroyed, and America won't let that happen, so it's guaranteed WW3, so everyone involved wants this to go away and has an interest in memory-holing it as quickly as possible.

I'm watching to see if Israel suddenly comes under fire from their allies all of the sudden. That would be very telling.


@Tfmonkey @Indignation To compare it to the Cuban Missle Crisis would not be a stretch. Time will tell (hopefully) on how close these fucking religious fanatics drug us all into a thermonuclear war.

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