@Zeb The journalist that started the twitter revolution in in April 2009 was denied entry in Russia in 2007 because she was a national security risk after a trip to Israel. What a fucking surprise. :israel: literaryreview.co.uk/natalia-m

@UncleIroh @Zeb It gets worse. In 2008 she married a russian citizen to try and go back and was still rejected. Now she has a kid with one of the most corrupt politicians we have: Platon.

@mrhorsetwat @Zeb

Unbelievable how far these fucking demons will go to subvert, destroy and corrupt the things they hate.

That kid's life must be a living hell. It's only purpose was as leverage, and now it's nothing but a possible future asset.

Once again, hats off to Russia for having the wisdom and balls to deal with these demons.


@UncleIroh @Zeb She isn't a jew and was used and now she was cast aside. She is now a critic of the ruling pro-western party. Her baby daddy lives in London after he laudered 126 billion rubles out of Russia and was sentenced to 20 years in absentia. I just wanr the corruption gone. I'm tired of all these western cocksuckers.ipn.md/en/veaceslav-platon-get

@mrhorsetwat @Zeb

The price is constant vigilence because they will never stop.

@UncleIroh @Zeb All the men went to europe to provide for their families. All that are left are either the poor or stupid or part of the jewish apparatus. 25% of our population lives overseas. I hope that Russia finishes Ukraine and takes our government as well.

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