The nig nogs weren't a problem for technological races for 40,000 years... until the jew took over, especially when the jew took over America.

Why did naive Amerikaner elites hand America's war machine to the jews in the 20th Century?

Because it started with simping for women.
If you're on a supposedly based website or fedi instance, and you see simps in high positions or influence (ie. Myles Poland), that's a bad sign of enemy activity.


Ever notice how while the degenerates who run NCD and PST say “nigger,” “kike,” and “faggot,” they seldom if ever say “slut” or “whore?”

When doing my belated due diligence on the admins of those two sites, in particular their doxxes, I could not help but notice that while the admins would say “nigger,” “kike,” and “faggot” all the time, they would seldom if ever say anything that would show they thought of these issues on a structural level.


Most of the losers on those sites are simply normies who love their democracy, their sluts, their filthy “way of life,” so to speak, but would rather have it with fewer black people and gays. In truth, however, it is their evil practices which led to our current predicament today, and the only real solution is to destroy modern society and completely rebuild it. This they cannot understand, which is why they responded so violently to our posts.



Who is the greater evil?

The Jew, who killed Christ, who killed the Tsar, who butchered tens of millions in the last century, who currently are making a serious attempt to destroy Christianity and the White peoples?


The non-Jew who let him in? The non-Jew who armed him (Kerensky)? The non-Jew who invited them into power (Roosevelt)? The non-Jew who blames everything on the Jew, but not himself? The non-Jew who raises his daughter to be a whore, then blames it on the Jew?

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