
(B) is the wignat incorrect answer.

Interestingly enough though, the fed shills refused to answer the question at all. They wouldn't even pick B, too much thoughtcrime for their FBI supervisor.

Meanwhile, actual based Southern White men IRL were able to answer the correct answer (E).

My first IRL test of this question on actual rural Southrons was done several years ago. I was astonished that they could quickly answer the question right away, but supposed based White men on the Internet could not.

Those internet profiles with the Confederate flags in them aren't real Confederates.


(B) is the wignat narrative all the fed shills are told to promote, though, given the nature of the question, an obviously false and stupid answer.

Which is why I stated on Gab that the goal of Poast is to lure dissidents with "nigger" and then apply intense social pressure to be a wignat (i.e. a retard).

Minus a few shills on Gab, the shill brigades have left me alone for the most part. They seem to have given you much more trouble.


There are only two ways to kill ZOG:

First way is to establish a successful community without diversity.

Second day is to establish a successful community without whoredom.

Communism fell not because of the atrocities of Communist regimes, rather because Democratic societies made Communist ones look like shitholes by comparison. However, if Khrushchev were to have launched nuclear war against the West in the 1960s...


If ZOG is to survive, it is thus essential to ensure that all communities that fail to adhere to diversity (Ruby Ridge) or whoredom (Waco) are destroyed. Otherwise, Wolfenstein and Handmaid’s Tale would be seen not as realistic dystopian fiction rather as propaganda similar to that of the Soviet Union of the 70s and 80s.

The internet racist poses no existential threat to ZOG because he has no means to live his principles in real life without being instantly destroyed.



This is why PST and NCD explicitly ban all discussion on the matter at hand as listed on their TOS.

Their main objective is to apply social pressure for dissidents to raise their daughters to be whores. This is why they talk about "lurking" and "fitting in," why they launch coordinated griefer attacks on people who use the "block" button, and why all blocks are made public.

All because the only effective counter to ZOG is private patriarchy, which can be decentralized.

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Their propositions have been:

Communism: let us destroy the Monarchy and the Church, and we will have a society without starvation

Democracy: let us destroy the White Man, and we will have a society without inequality

Our proposition is as follows:

Let us kill Democracy, and we will have a society without whores

...only...this time...we will deliver...

It is the only hill that matters on the strategic level, the hill we can get millions of young men to die and to win for us.

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