@NitroDubs @TrevorGoodchild He looks like he just stepped off the set of the music video for the Primus song.
@placebo Sounds like he's as good at Asian driving as anyone ever gets.
Mike {Patton check:
@DEERBLOOD People already struggling are already struggling because they struggle to think things through. Of course they think self-placating fantasies that'll get them killed or worse. That's a feature, not a bug.
I think I had the correct Rick and Morty experience. I liked it but the 3rd season seemed forced. Lost track of it after that. Never got any merch. Never figured out the drama with the fanbase or the creator guy at all, but it sounded gay. It gave us the just x with extra steps meme so okay great. That's it.
@Nils The devil's in the details
@houseoftolstoy I want them to try anyway just so they'll lose some weight
New skin for the old ceremony.