@catmanmancat I wasn't too concerned about weed until I had my first daughter. Now I take her to the park for a couple hours after work and half the time we see and smell stoners at one of the tables. Go to get the mail and my neighbor is puffing a doobie right in my face as he gets his mail. I don't mind my little girl having little tiny bits of caffeine here and there but I don't want her getting even the smallest contact high from government frankenweed.

@Terry The Christmas music sounds a bit merrier all of a sudden

@judgedread @RegalBeagle I'm thinking a lot of discoveries in physics after the bomb were kept secret by governments wanting to hold onto similar military advantages quietly. AI may let a lot of cats out of a lot of bags. I remember hearing that if the average person can build a wmd with $90 and short shopping trip, it's better if they don't know how. Things may get interesting quick

@UncleIroh yeah, sort of a tear jerker i-love-you-bro ending. Glad I found it and watched it.

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