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@ze Good to see you again. Is this what you are saying?

People will all be equal in the things they cannot do. Nobody can do them.
People will have to earn the right to do something.


@BallisticPig The worst phrase to ever catch on

Covid was fake. Former Pfizer VP confesses. Dr Michael Yeadon sees reality after 2 years of being wrong.

@Tfmonkey well we will have to agree to disagree. From my perspective, just because the body is a complicated system with other organisms does not invalidate the identity of "you".

And if a stranger came on your property and used this same logic of your property is abstract, it's an ecosystem, it wouldn't fly practically. You is a useful tool to identify that which you are responsible for navigating through the world. It reflects the physical.

But everyone gets to choose their own worldview.

@Tfmonkey The mind is a map of the information that the body experiences. And within that information, the mind realizes there is a "you", it's human nature to identify a you.

Just like a red marker on a map that identifies where you are on a map. Because the "you" in your mind is a representation, does not mean "you" don't exist in the physical. The mind is a map of the physical.

@Tfmonkey To say your identity is just a memory is like saying your face is just matter. It doesn't mean anything.

@Tfmonkey I don't know if we are talking about the same thing. The existence of a "separate self" I do not translate to a soul. To have a self is to realize there is a limit to your pyhsical control and experience. So if I get cut, you don't bleed. And if you think thoughts, I don't hear them.

Because your identity is memory does not mean it is not real. We mentally experience ourselves through our memories/mind. We physically experience ourselves through our body.

@Tfmonkey I am all for clear thinking. Enlightenment as defined in this video (there is no separate self) is bullshit. This "Enlightenment" is just as fanciful as heaven and hell.

You can practice being present, and compassionate, and being in flow without denying a separate self.

But good on that monk to get the unenlightened to bring him liquor and beautiful women. What a good con.

@Tfmonkey you should keep a running list of the places you've been kicked off. You can use it as your intro.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.