Every reason given for why cardiovascular disorders are on the rise (except the vaxx) is indeed ridiculous. What is even more ridiculous is that apparently, all of these factors just so happen to be all converging at the same time to cause these cardiovascular issues. Yeah, they were all factors for years and years before, but now they suddenly are causing these problems, right at the same time that the mRNA shots were rolled out.

If you have not figured it out yet, you never will.


@houseoftolstoy What blew my mind the most is the fact that some people, any one at all really, accepts that heart attacks happen to perfectly healthy children.

When pressed they seem to believe there is some sort of massive epidemic of undiagnosed heart defects, that magically didn't appear till AFTER this shit started.

I used to feel bad for them, now I wonder if it's better this way. RIP my heart.

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