
LISTEN: She said the quiet part out loud.

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@sardonicsmile Today in Refusing to hold cunts account

((( EQUALITY ))) and ((( WOMENS RIGHTS )))

Best of all
no group is willing to hold them accountable
Not Christianity
Not the state
Not civnats
Not Natsooks

@charliebrownau @sardonicsmile It's fascinating seeing how they recognize themselves how shitty they are . It's not a secret anymore .

@ugly_bastard_reborned @sardonicsmile Its been more in the open in the last 5-10 years
because they know the state , corporations and systems in place protect them
and a majority of men are weak simps

@ugly_bastard_reborned @charliebrownau
I think they have always known how "shitty" they are. They just can to be covert. Now there are No consequences for being blatant about their intentions. They have ALL the power and political clout. Not to mention the police are literally at their fingertips.
We have no choice bit to choose our words carefully. Lest we offend them. They know they can easily ruin our lives; even with a false accusation.

@sardonicsmile @ugly_bastard_reborned Ive seen a lot of people just walk away from ALL WOMEN
in workforce, personal life and family

Men are wearing body cameras
and hiding cameras in offices , loos, lunchrooms

Even after sound recordings and video proof
men are guilty after inocent
and boss's, companies, the state and society by large
still outright refuse to hold women accountable
for false claims, lying, cheating

So let society fucking BURN
all of it must collapse
in the denial of truth, denial of genetic traits
and refsual to tell reality

apoltical fence sitters
no group wants to address this problem

So fuck them all

Walk away men

Without Ethnic Working Class Straight men
all societies fall apart

@charliebrownau @sardonicsmile Yes . But when society is burning those women will wear a flower dress and say : "Thee heheheeh it was a phase". And most guys will save them .

@ugly_bastard_reborned @sardonicsmile Men will have to choose at that time

Local Ethnic patoracy
National Equality Statism

Men must demand a formal contact
that clearly states men are in charge

Pewpew will become a thing more and more
as we get closer to 2030 and during 2030-2055
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