@sardonicsmile George Carlin an underated héroe from The last Century our Dio(Jojo referente)
Dionysius of Hereclea.

I would love to he lived long enough to come across MGTOW to listen Is opinion about this philosophy.

@sardonicsmile, I don't really know about the whole '... seeing the universe in individual people's eyes...'. That sounds a little like boomer hippie crap, but the rest of it is spot on.

@IcarusWax Agreed. Carlin was definitely growing up during the 60's when this thinking influenced Culture. I understand him to be rather liberal in his views but he definitely came out with some solid insights. He did evolve the comedy scene to a "thinking mans" comedy.

@sardonicsmile @IcarusWax honestly I think the exact same way, I like individuals but I don’t really like people as a collective that much.

Carlin was an anti-white Gate Keeper only one step above Leibowitz ( Jon "Stewart" )

Bill Hicks at least talked about JFK Assassination ...

of course none of them have ever mentioned the Jews ...

anybody who won't name the Jew is useless.
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