Not a subscriber of Pearl.
She is not wrong, on this.
@crimsonrealist Agreed. I understand she was exposed as a grifter coopting MGTOW talking points to form her "body of work" She herself, has shamelessly put herself out as a woman of "value" because she will inheret land from her father. Using this as bait to lure a beta provider. She's a coal burner, as well.
I do NOT trust ANY female infiltrating the MGTOW community or the Manosphere, in general. They continually and repeatedly leech of the hard work of Men and claim it as their own.
@sardonicsmile True. Its amusing for Pearl to be an advocate for fairer marriage laws when marriage was never fair to a man at all. Think about it - regardless of whether its in men's best interests to do so, it still serves in favour to women due to men's instinct to "protect and provide" for her. All this talk of "responsibility" is really another way of expressing men's detriment to forego their freedom for life to serve a woman. Traditional marriage is voluntary servitude repackaged.