@charliebrownau there is always at least one man that a female gives him full access to her
Moreover, you are NEVER her first choice. The one Man she really wanted just could neither get his act together nor reciprocate her feelings.
Chad imprints on them, Forever.

@sardonicsmile Its almost like limiting womens access to free roam
and forcing them to marry as a virgin
enables the population to continue

We need real discussion about bringing back arranged marriages

I thought that "marriage for love" was the ideal.
I now clearly see the Value in Arranged Marriages. India has lost its way regarding arranged marriage; they had it Right to begin with.
Even historically marriage was arranged to increase wealth and political power.

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@sardonicsmile The old world (before '1750')
Hall the strength to keep women at home
under the thumb
and a firm backhand

Todays society is weak
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