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Ok so.. Breathalyzers are unreliable at best, sobriety testing is only there to trick people into looking drunk and "Hmm I smell something" is just for cops who want to abuse their power.

... Maybe just roll it back to unsafe driving, which should be easily provable before you even pull them over?

Here in WI breath testing is not admissable in court. It is only used to establish probable cause to proceed with a blood test.

Of course many cops won't tell you that and they are allowed to lie to you.

> they are allowed to lie to you

Yep. They're like lawyers and politicians, all of them are literally professional liars. Bunch of sociopathic cunts.

@Sui @Frank Interesting choice of words. I am watching a series by Mark Passio and the series is on how police are preselected on a psychological profile that is congruent with sociopathic mindset and order following mindset. They preselect them for these reasons specifically.

That makes sense, the only other types that would even apply are those desperate for a state job and/or that think that they can improve things from the inside. Neither of those are likely to last in the profession very long, so weeding them out before investing resources into their training etc makes quite a lot of sense on a pragmatic level.
@Sui @sardonicsmile They are called "Breathalysers" I knew you let Doll and Swatty use this account sometimes. I just want to know which of you three keep asking me for dick pics 🤨
> I just want to know which of you three keep asking me for dick pics 🤨

None of us, and yet you still keep providing 🤷🏻‍♂️
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