Bros, i accidentally vitamin D3 at 25.000 IU daily dose for 8 days.
How long do i have?

@white_male Might want to get a blood test. Stop taking Vitamin D supplements in the interim.
Side effects are the usual vomiting, diareahha.
I'm not a medical doctor.

@sardonicsmile Thank, i've gathered that much myself. I'm probably fine, no symptoms, am healthy, organs won't shutdown over this.

Was hoping for some of the guys who talked about taking large doses for their input. Apparently there's some research into specific uses that recommend 10.000 regular daily ingest.

@white_male Seems like an odd study. Only reason for a megadose like that is if you have a serious deficiency. But you would be under care/observation of a medical doctor.

@sardonicsmile This dude says 10.000 daily as "maintenance". Apparently a doctor, this one is regrettably a berg, but there are others who say the same.
@sardonicsmile Like i said, there's guys on poast who did/do vitD megadosing, was hoping for their input, this was just cursory glance.
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