@PraxisOfEvil Well, racism has been around since the beginning. It will be here long after we are gone.
It is more about the behavior of said groups. Not the food, dress, music, Culture, per se.
@PraxisOfEvil Thank you for your thoughtful response. I find much racism used to justify rejection of entire ethnic groups. From the same mouths they talk about how "history is written by the winners". So when I delve into the history of stereotypes I find the exact opposite accounts of what we are told happened. Yet the stereotypes prevail and are used to lambaste and discredit. Racism has its seat in misandry and is particular to Men. Good Men we would otherwise be on the same page with.
@PraxisOfEvil Well, I do subscribe to "genetic determinism" and the phenomenon that only certain genetic traits are preselected for aesthetics and capacity of thought/IQ. Those regression curves are pretty well mapped out. It is more the Culture that is discredited and arbitrary phenotypes that are found to be repulsive. No one chooses these traits. We are born the way we are... I will say that most people ought not to have children. We can see this in our daily interactions.
@sardonicsmile You'll have to forgive me, you're making very salient points and I am a retard
@PraxisOfEvil No need for forgiveness. We had a "meeting of the minds" and if you will forgive me for pointing this out: You've just revealed, to yourself, how open minded, reasonable, and logical-thinking you *actually* are.
@sardonicsmile Me smart?
@sardonicsmile Personally I think assuming you're superior to anyone else based on nothing but genetics only does more harm, there are factors people don't consider because they're conditioned not to by fringe weirdos.