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When two groups you loathe go after each other, then just stand back and watch and laugh.

Town RAGES At Criminal Police Chief Candidate

Better days will come. But I'm afraid we will not live to see them.
Good luck, Gentlemen.

Rape Hysteria
Women make over 80,000 rape complaints to law enforcement every year.

Authorities find that only about 325 of those complaints have any validity ...

That is rape hysteria ...

@stoner713 Well, his actual African countrymen would reject him. They despise American Blacks and everything about them. Who doesn't...?

@AngryWraith. I do hope so. These Boomers have been living high on the horse for far too long.

@stoner713 Well I was trying to bring attention to the news report regarding "working retirement". Something we will All face. The split screen with a Black man is coincidence, but an interesting trend, I also observed.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.