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@37712 @sardonicsmile Because women are society’s shit test. It takes strong discipline men to build and maintain society. These type of men are not afraid to hurt a women’s feelings because they put society first.

Listen to this N-word filming. He is recording and asking the criminal to hand him some cigarettes, then when the owners apprehend him he pleads with them to stop and to let him go...?

Every day I am more convinced Scott Adams is Right.

California 7-Eleven workers beat robber with stick until suspect starts ...

So you are telling me that there is NO reason to hit a female?

Good Man.
See how she is trying to humiliate him in front of the whole family.

I do not subscribe to Tate. We all know he is a con artist and unscrupulous businessman. Nevertheless, he is not wrong on this.

"The Good Shepherd" (2006)
Ironic how they portray government as patriotic. That last line was not wrong, though.

Tags: jews, israel, politics, democracy, subversion, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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