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The TerraMar Project was a self-described environmental nonprofit organization. It was founded in 2012 in the United States by convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell.[1][2] A sister organisation in the United Kingdom was incorporated in 2013.[3] TerraMar (U.S.) announced its closure on 12 July 2019.

Terra - Earth

Mars is on earth

COVID 19 coincidentally was declared to have started the same year that Terra Mars was allegedly shut down

Epstein virus

American Truck-Stop Kitchen:

World's Largest Truck Stop! - Big Kitchens - Food Documentary

Men value freedom and females value security. Men value meritocracy and females value equality. Men value facts and females value feelings. The two species are so at odds either men must dominate or the two separate.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.