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@wing_str @RedpillBot It seems to be a fake quote made up by Syphilis de Beaver.

How far the times have come, that even the most imaginatively radical Christian writers are preferable over what is on hand. Even normies would now have the most restrictive theocracy over an hour more of demoncracy.

Tags: historical_perspective, quote, women
Source: The booru is down for now
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Tags: 1900_1945, historical_perspective, quote, jews, politics, communism, marxism, general_patton, wwii
Source: The booru is down for now
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Tags: article, collage, jews, israel, quiet_part_out_loud, subversion, syria, terrorism
Source: The booru is down for now
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Buddy showed me how a guy who put that he was a pedophile on his tinder/whatever the fuck profile still got dm'ed by women and not only did he confirm the conviction the dms, they still wanted to a spend a night cuddling with him.
same question
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