I am going to post this quickly before I forget then log out of here.

What if people put AI generated women that look like they are over 18 on porn sites as pictures

Along with the text saying , "repeal the 19th amendment"

Like not safe for work legal anti feminist memes on pornography sites?

If you spend all this time trying to generate AI women pictures you could at least put them to propaganda use

@shortstories You're assuming that porn sites are independently run organizations with a profit incentive. The major platform are all controlled by one company with a political/societal bone to pick.

@mischievoustomato @Zettour

A decentralized site would result in government, media, corporate, religious agents who support totalitarianism deliberately going to that site to post illegal porn to shut it down

We need some way to post stuff on a mainstream site to get content out to a wide audience

People who join sites that most people do not know about already know what is going on

Some information needs to be presented on really popular websites that most people already know exist

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