Today my dad figured out the government is corrupt because can arrive app something something. But it's okay because the kikeservative pm pp will save us. Boomers are retarded.



so did he say "app something" or "at something" or something else

Baby boomer would say "app something" to sound hip or because they do not know what an app is or dementia, etc.

Might be exact words of baby boomer not grammar error

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@shortstories that's me paraphrasing what he was saying about the app the government bought for 56 million dollars.


It is called a public private partnership and in my mind it is worse than communism

Communism is stealing from the rich to give to the poor

Public Private partnerships are stealing from everybody to give to your favorite corporation

They stifle free market competition preventing poor people from starting their own competing companies on the free market and also do not give any benefits to the poor

They also allow the government to violate restrictions through a corporation

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