"Judaism" forbids inter racial marriage it is 100% racist

"However, even if he were to legitimately convert he would be unable to wed the woman due to an unusual, strict edict issued by the insular Syrian Jewish community in the US in 1935 that forbade its members from marrying converts."



People claim to resent The Jews for this, but really, they want the same ability for their people.

I want #WASPs who dwell apart and do not outbreed with non-WASPs.

This is how you preserve a tribe.

The Jewish people are very intelligent in their approach, and "racism" is just a scapegoat that Leftists use to try to explain the consistent failures of diversity in every form.



Ashkenazi and Sephardic counterfeit Jews try to push inter racial relations and open borders in gentile countries but forbid inter racial relations and close the borders in Israel

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This is intelligent.

If you want to win the game, encourage that everyone else self-destruct, and do what benefits you.

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