@Terry me calling her an e-whore voicing over memes has had a delayed effect :ryukosmug:
@lina I think she was sick and tired of taking shitty request for five dollars a pop (three versions of each one).

plus you niggers don't ever tip. I am going to go out on a limb and predict you have never tipped in your life.
@lina tipping is essentially a White american thing. You wouldn't understand.
@lina no you're wrong, White (non-jewish) americans do tip and the we look down on the White americans that don't tip, like they're niggers. It was all explained in the scene from reservoir dogs.Don't you watch movies?
Reservoir Dogs Mr. Pink Doesn t Tip.mp4
@Terry movies are for queers
in the rest of the world people who you tip in america would be earning a salary that doesn't require em to beg for tips to properly exist
simple as, you're just helping jews and their imitators save on paying salaries
@Terry but that's besides the point, the last person i'd ever give any money is some e-whore voicing impact font memes, and if i absolutely had to, i wouldn't ever tip because i don't respect e-whores like that, it's like being a podcaster or some other shit, zero effort job

@lina @Terry

Podcasting anything important with a correct enough point of view prevents you from getting jobs when they discriminate against you

You are sacrificing your opprtunity to earn wealth to present important information

Now podcasting certain other points of view that are detrimental to society builds wealth through fortune 500 advertiser approval and sponsorship

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@shortstories @Terry podcasting is two or more losers sitting in front of microphones and talking about shit nobody cares about and somehow even bigger losers show up to give them money for that
playing with dog shit is more respectable than podcasting

@lina @Terry

There is important information that humanity collectively as a whole needs to receive to reduce the degree to which humanity is enslaved

If you are not using media to communicate with people to try to reduce slavery then you are part of the problem

Most podcasters are part of the problem because they are distracting people with information not relevant to ending human slavery instead of presenting info that blind faith in authority figures (such as government) is slavery

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