@william it's obvious that the Jews aren't at fault here. I wish people would stop being a Nazi in this community. We at the FSF believe that the Israelis and the Palestinians have both right to live.
STFU with your "both sides" bullshit! There is NO moral equivalence.
@william as a professional Jew, I think it is indeed a good choice just to annex Palestine.
@william I agree, I'm using the term to describe the Arabs in the Israel. I think it would be a good idea to just relocate all of them to Germany.
@william okay William. Just a reminder, we Jews have massive support from the marginalized community of LGBTQ++ to help with our struggle. Let's reach out to them as they're mostly Jews.
@MeBigbrain @william another anti-semite in the thread, go jack off to your death Fuhrer. White people should remember that we're the first victim of Nazi aggression and we helped them defeat the totalitarian rule of Hitler. Now they aren't even willing to fight in Israel so that the 2nd holocaust will be stopped. The FSF doesn't support any kind of genocide towards the jews.
@shortstories @william @MeBigbrain our foundation, Free Software Foundation. We support the freedom of software from the proprietary menace.

I used to call it Feet Sex Foundation.

@Zerglingman @william @MK2boogaloo @MeBigbrain

I really do not care as long as the adult person consents

But honestly no one is hurt no matter what people are attracted to as long as they do not act on it

Feet are innervated ennervated by the same nerve classification numbers that are associated with private regions of the body in the no no square

Maybe that is why some people like feet?

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