The parents of the children or others in charge who let someone that looks like that around children are the ones who deserve to be molested.

You can look at that homo and tell that he shouldn't be trusted to be around the youth.

Physiognomy doesn't lie.
@GabeLakmann @Zerglingman @Aether Do you guys have any good sources on physiognomy in the context we speak of it? I feel it on an instinctual level and I wanna know more.
You're kinda already figuring it out. You can look at people at tell if they're jewish or a weird looking chomo type like in the picture above.

Your instincts are very very rarely wrong so you should always trust them unless you have an extremely good reason not to.

In this guys case he looks effeminate and also looks like a weasel. Combine the two and it isn't a good outcome.
@GabeLakmann @Zerglingman @Aether Yeah, I just wanna lean into it and refine it. Psychology and the like is fascinating and this is kind of adjacent to it. I'd even go as far to say it's more fascinating that psychology in general.
They're kinda linked if you think about it a little deeper.

Psychology is interesting to study, just stay away from sigmund frued and other jews. Jung is good reading but aside from that I can't name anyone else off the top of my head.

The physiognomy is a biological thing that likely affects the psychology or mentality of people since bad physiognomy is due to bad genetics and the body and mind are both affected if a person has bad genes.

The most obvious thing is usually symmetry since asymmetrical faces/bodies are a good sign of bad genes but there are other traits as well. The more you see pictures of the people connected to what they do the better you'll get at figuring things out.. which is almost certainly why jewish media is selective about when they put pictures of offenders in news articles these days.
@GabeLakmann @Zerglingman @Aether I would wanna know how prevalent physiognomy was before and after mirrors became commonplace. It makes me wonder if your facial structure it's indicative of who you are or if years of looking in the mirror and thinking "I look like a pedophile" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That is an interesting idea which I don't think I have an answer for. I could definitely see bad physiognomy leading to a bad outcome if people shun them.

I'd say it's been going on for a long long time though, it's so easy to notice people who have bad plastic surgery or even plastic surgery at all a lot of the time.

Your brain will tell you "something isn't quite right with them although I can't pin point it" often times when you look at people like that. It's like an inherent and natural thing to notice that stuff is what I'm trying to say.

Thousands and thousands of years of honing pattern recognition can be very helpful if you allow it to be.
@GabeLakmann @Zerglingman @Aether It definitely seems like one of those things you can hone if you lean into it. It was only recently in life I realized Slavs (before I knew to even use that term) aren't White. I've noticed that, now that I'm aware of that, I can pick a Slav out almost immediately. Same for when someone had Arab influence, although I feel like that's more obvious.
I don't have any problems with Slavs or Arabs but once you start looking into the history of people and different cultures and all that you can usually tell someones heritage that way.

Slavic people look kinda like Whites with some Asian influences and Arabs look distinct but have some White features. When you see Iranians and a few other Arab groups, and I researched Arabs but it's been awhile so I could be wrong and they may not consider themselves Arabs or vise versa, but some of them look very similar to White people.

If you go back far enough and research "Aryans" and "Indo-Aryans" you can see that some of them are kinda like our distant cousins in a way.

Noticing jewish people is what started me down this road and a byproduct of that was learning about Aryans/Indo-Aryans and other cultures. It is interesting stuff and while I don't want the different races to mix and go extinct (except for jews but they can just go extinct without any mixing) I do want to see everyone keep their cultures and heritages and respect and get along with others.
@GabeLakmann @Zerglingman @Aether Based. That's true diversity - nations of the world maintaining their heritage and having good relations with each other without mixing. I also wish I were better at spotting kikes because that's the most-useful skill in this department. I've heard them referred to as "The Shapeshifters of Europe."

@Nesano @Zerglingman @GabeLakmann @Aether

In the old testament there was David & Johnathan

LGBT propaganda says David & Johnathan were a homosexual couple because David loved Johnathan more than any woman

This person is named Johnathan Davis or David + Johnathan

Two questions
1 Is Jonathan Davis Jewish?
2 Did someone make up that name for a homosexual character and Jonathan Davis is not a real person but the name of a character played by an actor?

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