@thepoliticalcat Yep systematic racism is the real problem. Of course it comes with racists getting too much power, so the problem still stems from “ordinary” racism, but racism is so widespread that the real solution is fixing the laws so that personal animosity against other races cannot be turned into political will. I always told people that Hitler’s racism is actually pretty banal and the real reason he was able to do what he did was because he was given the power to do so.


@rakyat @thepoliticalcat

Only Ashkenazi and Sephardic "Jews" can be systematicly racist because they alone possess both the power and the religion of racism

The percent of Federal Reserve Chairpersons is greater than the percent of "Jews" in the United States and also the percent of "Jews" in the world

Jews is in quotation marks because the Palestinians are true Jews


List of Fed chairs


Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions

My Jewish Learning

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