easy to crap on NJP but NJP and Mike Enoch specifically are part of a tiny set of people who are FORBIDDEN from returning to Twitter for whatever reason
the establishment will NEVER let them back
thats the best argument for them NOT being infiltrated by feds btw
@monsterislandcolonizer I always said I wished them well and hoped they would prove the doubters wrong over time. It's unfortunate, but such is the times we live in.

@BowsacNoodle @monsterislandcolonizer

What if they made a deal with Elon to ban them to give them street cred

Mike Enoch allegedly married a Jew according to media outlets that claim to be Jewish or Israeli media outlets

@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @monsterislandcolonizer they divorced a long time ago. But yes there is such a thing as controlled opposition all the way down the line

@tradracist @shortstories @monsterislandcolonizer Does it need to be to that level though? It's more plausible that they don't want people who can appeal to the sensibilities of normal conservatives while also getting them into populist beliefs and teaching about jewish tricks. It's easy to be an armchair critic of them, but they still got a ton of people to recognize simple stuff like "White people have a right to self-interest". It's not all about them either; it's that TRS is an important contributor to the broader idea of White identity.

@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @monsterislandcolonizer For sure. They're made their contribution. I was especially impressed at their attempt at a professional pro-white discourse.

@tradracist @shortstories @monsterislandcolonizer Honestly, I do think NJP would have been a lot more successful if it had been completely detached and divorced from the podcast network. Plenty of people have gone from entertainment into politics, and it always starts with a slog with them showing they're actually serious and not just some character like their media self appears. It's too bad really.

@BowsacNoodle @tradracist @monsterislandcolonizer

Voting does not work

The people who own the media tell the media networks how many votes each candidate should be proclaimed to have on the news

Then people believe the news

They do not even have to rig the voting machines when they do not count the votes


The solution is to change people's minds in order to change non voting related behaviors

Either persuade police and military to stop blindly following orders or..

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@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @monsterislandcolonizer Just because they're called a party does't mean they need to do elections. There's all kinds of parties. And elections are hard to win when the world is against you, so there's other goals a radical party needs to accomplish first.
They did make some great accomplishments and I will miss them. They introduced a pro-white discourse on par with the left's anti-white one. And brought attention to anti-white discrimination with their protests.

@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @monsterislandcolonizer the establishment feels less emboldened to attack white people when organizations like NJP are ready to draw attention to it

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