@Zerglingman @vic @unabomber

Exclusive Monogamy creates artificial selection resulting in lower quality people conpared with traditional Biblical Polygyny if you want a society with kinder more compassionate men who are better at providing resources and physically stronger and more intelligent and more willing to defend themselves because in exclusive monogamy women are stuck with whatever men are left over or no one even if they have undesirable social, economic, mental or physical traits

@shortstories @Zerglingman @vic @unabomber

That entire theory hinges on the idea that women never make mistakes in mate sleection. It also assumes that most men are too stupid to realize they're being exterminated while having their labor exploited.

I don't see how it's possible to sustain a belief in one of those conclusions, let alone both.
It also assumes that the women in polygamous relationships were fairhful and weren't getting impregnated by side guys.

@Humpleupagus @Zerglingman @vic @Big_Richard @unabomber

The existence of the welfare state and propaganda that supports it increases mistakes in mate selection that oppose freedom and prosperity oriented goals

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