Protesters take to the streets of New York City in solidarity with the Palestinian people.



@Nazareno how many people go out protesting that have like mortgages and families to feed?
because western protests are just jerk off sessions by people who wont go do anything on the ground for their cause
comfy jerk offs
@dictatordave @Nazareno Youth movements have historically been what pushed revolutions and part of that is the lack of obligation/participation in the greater scheme of society. I've long thought mandatory civil service would make for better citizenship for this reason.

@BowsacNoodle @Nazareno @dictatordave

Protesting is a way to get arrested

People should hand out pamphlets explaining the truth about the Jewish religion and talk to people offline about the evils of Jewish religion practitioners in a individual basis instead of in large crowds full of criminal cops disguised as protestors

@shortstories @BowsacNoodle @Nazareno i'm all for that

but i think in florida that would get you arrested if i'm not mistaken about zion ron's anti billeting law

@dictatordave @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle

Then you just have to do it where it is legal

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@shortstories @dictatordave @Nazareno @BowsacNoodle Ron's law would probably get struck down for being anti 1A.

Though all these cuckservatives somehow were quiet during BLM niggers on campuses or La Raza on campuses. But got roused up for BDS on campus, which is pretty much a small group compared to BLM or La Raza.
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