Let's say someone does ten $5 super chats every podcast & there are 2 podcasts per week for a total of $100 per week

That is $5200 per year

They could have got the investment news letter for much cheaper instead of these super chats

Instead of spending that money on super chats they could have saved $5200 per year

Why ask personal questions like favorite food?

There job is to ask questions to create a document for a government organization describing TFMs personality & physical appearance

@shortstories Interesting theory . It could be .These NGOs are flooded with money.



Stupid people talk about things
Average people talk about people
Smart people talk about ideas

- Approximately Some famous quote from I do not know or care who

Could also be someone who is a very social person or very bored person or very lonely person or someone who does not have the important priorites

The kind of person who makes small chat like how is the weather, how is the sports teams regularly

The kind of questions I can not stand except very bad weather days

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