Assuming evil is real

Which factor contributes the most to increasing Ashkenazi and Sephardic "Jewish" evil behavior relative to other groups

Environment or Genetics?

Environment - The Jewish Religion, The Jewish Culture, The pro Jewish Media, The pro Jewish education system, The legal system license to let Jews get away with crime, the free welfare for Israel and free trips to Israel and so on

jews aren't like niggers who have low-impulse control by nature IMHO. If their talmudic behavior and collectivist nepotistic spirit hadn't been passed down for thousands of years they could probably be an alright group of people. As is though they are an overwhelming threat to Whites. Maybe they could be re-educated and stripped of their destructive traditions one day but that's not happening in our lifetimes.
> If their talmudic behavior and collectivist nepotistic spirit hadn't been passed down for thousands of years they could probably be an alright group of people

That's a bit like saying "niggers might be ok if criminal lifestyles hadn't been passed down for hundreds of years."

There are large communities of atheist jews who know less about their religious roots than I do, and yet they still do all the same stuff. Worse in some cases.
@Eiregoat @TarnishedYarmulke @shortstories Proper lifestyle (gulags) might fix niggers and jews. And while niggers are retarded in general, when nigger has iq of 100, he is instantly put down by other niggers.
Genetics cause everything, but its breeding habits which form genetics, so in a way its a circle. Given enough time, I think its possible to create a breed of niggers without violent tendencies.
And jews are genetically psychopathic inbreed niggers, they are already too inbreed for selective breeding to be able to achieve anything.

@Marakus @Eiregoat @TarnishedYarmulke

People who call themselves Atheists Jews were taught the religious value of exterminate or enslave all people without a Jewish mother by their orthodox Jewish ancestors

Atheist Jews do not believe in the same belief system as Atheist Gentiles

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@shortstories @Eiregoat @TarnishedYarmulke Atheism is just secular judaism. The only religion they oppose is Christianity. They are fine with mudslimes, buddists, shinto, whatever, only Christianity is evil for them.
This is inaccurate.

They use muslims as a weapon against europeans but they don't tolerate them in any position they might harm jews. They are actively trying to de-islamify Israel and it's surrounding regions. They are also beginning to turn against muslims in europe where they have targetted jews.

As for christianity, when have you seen them opposing phillipinos or ethiopians? Never. They only ever oppose White christians. Equally they oppose any european group pursuing their traditional religions provided it's not some kind of cucked newage thing.

The common denominator isn't "jews hate christianity" it's "jews hate competitors, most of whom are european." If europeans had adopted buddhism they'd be against that instead.
So they rejected the religion, but not all of it's beliefs?

We have no problem saying nigs are naturally aggressive, why is it a problem to say the same for jews?
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