Can black crime rate be lowered through education?
An example of truthful education without degrees would be teaching them how to multiply numbers through repeated addition and the applications of mu!tiplication or teaching them how to read but they get no school or college degree, diploma or certificate for learning it
@shortstories No by education/indotrination rather by returning The father to The home.
What if all black men and women were educated or indoctrinated to want to return the father to the home through data about the effects of single mother hood
@shortstories That has nothing to do with education/indotrination that Is system in prison lobby (free labor) AND family extortion system to demonic judges Literally drain The sweat and blood of The Male victims.
What if every black man who was not in jail became a lawyer
And possibly even black men in jail got law degrees while in prison if possible ( I heard some jails let people work on some degrees while in Prison )
And all black men used their lawyer skills to fight the family courts
My battery is almost empty so will not again soon
Problem with MGTOW is it can not work for more than about 45 years if 100% of men go celibate
Once the last woman born turns 45 years old humanity would go extinct
@shortstories The are many others population out there basically The Middle East AND Africa Will save humanity from extintion but The Globohomo AKA The West need to fall for Good.