
@mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256

Are they checking for cancer or is this some pervert thing?

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I think you can just poop in a cup now. Sorry 😟
If you want to know more, Google "two girls, one cup."
@pyrate @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Billy_Hughes @KiKi88 @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 you're gay, just cuz they made a movie that's gay shit, don't mean the books are gayed also this iron maiden song is good.
I didn't see this curveball coming in this thread.
I watched [some] of the movie, made it about an hour
And nothing interesting was happening g so I shut it off
Never read the book though cause I'm not a nerd :actually:

@pyrate @Humpleupagus @Billy_Hughes @KiKi88 @givenup @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256

The Bible quotes books outside the Bible

Says something like the first to present his case seems right until another comes along

Deuteronomy 18 Demands you test the preductions of people who call themselves prophets to see if they come to past, in order to test their claims you need to compare with info outside the Bible

The Bible endorses looking at information other than the Bible

@shortstories @pyrate @Humpleupagus @Billy_Hughes @KiKi88 @givenup @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 Yes. The other source is tradition:
"Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
@KiKi88 @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Billy_Hughes @pyrate @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 i never read it either, i listened to an old man read it he was bri'ish, they recorded him read it and sold it around the internet.
@KiKi88 @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Billy_Hughes @pyrate @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 i actually got the fancy audiobook version that has a cast of several people plus an old british man to read it, some parts they do a full cast voice acting, then the old man reads most of it.
@KiKi88 @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Billy_Hughes @pyrate @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 that guy reads most of the books that have been done in audiobooks but they only did hte first one with the fancy full cast voice acting
@KiKi88 @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Billy_Hughes @pyrate @givenup @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 based Kiki, if your book or movie can captivate me in 10 minutes im tossing it into the garbage.
Like with the visual coma that is Das Boot
I red it. Decent book, at least the first one.
@CatLord @givenup @idea_enjoyer @KiKi88 @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Billy_Hughes @pyrate @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 remember after the first... 4 (maybe more?) Frank Herbert stopped being the author and his son took over. Then after a while he stopped writing and someone else wrote the rest.
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@givenup @Humpleupagus @shortstories @Billy_Hughes @KiKi88 @idea_enjoyer @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 after Frank Herbert's son takes over, yea. You really only need the first few books to get an idea... Then they got obsessive with writing prequels and sequels all around the Dune universe.
The first story is really cool but they never flesh out the wars, I think Herbert was more interested in fate and the tiny amount of freedom a person has within their fate
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Did you like the first one? I did, I'm looking forward to this one 😄
@Billy_Hughes @pyrate @Humpleupagus @shortstories @KiKi88 @mangeurdenuage @RehnSturm256 oh i don't like the modern one with goblin people in it
i only seen the shots i never seen the movie cuz i won't, BUT the miniseries is good, old, but i just mean the damn books
I liked the old movies, and the original print of the book.

I saw the first movie and thought the entire "Gee, could use a lot less niggers" but in fairness. Sand niggers for a sand planet, fitting.
Thanks Kiki. I'd just typed 'two girls one cup' into my favorite search engine and was about to press search when I noticed your notification
If you have money, or good insurance, there are ways around that, just a frenly fyi.
Dune makes sense the only answer is Jihading the universe
"Cleansing fire" has nice ring to it.
...Unless you're a burnt offering.
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