Very good explanation of Korea and what is happening to the west.

@Zeb @ugly_bastard_reborned

I think there would be certain benefits to Korean people going extinct because Statist Confucianism is bad

But I would rather that they abandon Statist Confucianism and do not go extinct

@Zeb @ugly_bastard_reborned
You can use die in expressions such as "I almost died" or "I'd die if anything happened" where you are emphasizing your feelings about a situation, for example, to say that it is very shocking, upsetting, embarrassing, or amusing.
[informal, mainly spoken, emphasis]
I nearly died when I read what she'd written about me. 그녀가 나에 대해서 쓴 글을 읽었을때 나는 거의 죽을 뻔 했다., I nearly died of shame. 창피해서 죽고 싶은 심정이었다., I thought I'd die laughing. 나는 포복절도할 것으로 생각했다

@Zeb @ugly_bastard_reborned

죽을것 같아

I think I'm going to die

Korean has a lot of phrases about dying

Korea also has one of the highest suicide rates per person in the world

This is not a coincidence

@Zeb @ugly_bastard_reborned

"Korean people use the verb [to die] very easily and commonly in their daily lives. I think it might look a little strange and scary to foreigners who are not familiar with Korean culture. After all, the verb [to die] is not a soft or cute expression.

However, to Koreans, expressions such as ‘ I’m going to die ’ and ‘ I’m going to die ’ are not at all harsh or scary expressions.
It's just a way of emphasizing it."




I am not endorsing suicide by posting this

I am opposed to suicide

But I think the Korean language structure has increased the suicide rate in Korea

I think if the Korean language was changed in certain ways then the suicide rate in Korea could be lowered

· · Web · 2 · 0 · 0

@justnormalkorean @Xenophon

How can you say you are Korean in your profile but you can not read Korean?

Anyway I put one of the articles in Google translate

Multiple links each have English translations

Point is their are a lot of figures of speech about death and dying in Korean

I believe this partly explains the high suicide rate

I am opposed to suicide


@shortstories @Xenophon Cus I was raised by crackers. I've been over this before. Not sure why I'm tagged in this exactly since I don't know the language.

@justnormalkorean @Xenophon

I was hoping you knew the language since you say you are Korean in your profile

You are very fortunate and probably better off being raised by White people than Korean people

Most Korean people have this obsession with blind faith in authority figures

If you want to avoid certain problems related to blind faith in authority figures than White Culture is objectively superior to Korean culture

I am not claiming that the White Race is superior to the Korean race

@shortstories @Xenophon Some things are better, some things are worse. I have issues with a lot of the authority we have in the world.

@justnormalkorean @Xenophon

I am not saying White Culture is superior to Korean Culture in all things but it is superior to Korean culture in regards to having less blind faith in authority

No, best boxhead. Just completely embracing the white man's culture.

@shortstories @justnormalkorean
Suicide is stupid and illogical. If you wanna die, go for the high score and take as many dipshits as you can with you. Go out with a blast!

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