I am opposed to illegal relations involving individuals under the legal age

Would you support consent & parenting licenses

Some list of criteria is required to get the license

Someone does not get the license automatically if they are over a certain age

If at least 1 of 2 people do not have the license when they reproduce the person(s) without the license will have their children taken away & be put in a gender segregated education facility until they get the license & other gets imprisoned

@shortstories So are you saying you're against a 20 yo and a 17 yo being in a relationship? To do so would require a license and or parental agreement?


I am saying that I am against someone being with a person under the legal age in the current government system with the current laws

I would support lowering the legal age but only allowing those who get a license to reproduce

This would also make it illegal to reproduce with someone without a license no matter how old they are

This license could be used to prevent people who lack resposibility, knowledge or skills from reproducing

People will call it racist because race&IQ

@shortstories It does verge on being a bit... eugenics-y... I'd say it would honestly probably help our species until the wrong people get the reigns of the program...



I would only support it if the right people get the reigns on the system

It will exclude a higher percent of black people from reproducing not because it is racist but because a lower percent of them could qualify for the license than Whites

I only support it with the correct people in charge

I only support it on a local level not a worldwide level

If you do not like the license requirements you can move to a community with no requirements or a different community

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No community would be forced to let people enter their community & no community would be required to pay taxes on another community to support welfare because that community has low standards and let welfare needers reproduce too frequent!y

Each community gets to choose it's own tax policy or lack of taxation

@shortstories Abolishing federal rights over states and states rights over municipalities would solve all of this. Problem is EVERY system eventually gets taken over by the worst in society and has to be burned to the ground to fix it.


I would support these licenses after but not before abolishing the federal rights over the state rights

If the Federal government got in charge of these licenses under the current system it would make things worse


I would like the following requirements but each community their own

1 Person knows how to farm their own food

2 Person knows how to add, subtract, mulitiply and divide numbers without a calculator

3 Person knows how to read

4 Person is familiar with how cult like mind control works

5 Person has the opportunity to support themselves without a partner, so stay at home parents had the opportunity to support themselves but declined it

6 Person understands reproductive health

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