
@sjw @Tepid_Tapir

Is that a type of cat that cat kill & eat humans easily?

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@shortstories @sjw If red dead redemption taught me anything, it's that catamounts are fast as fuck and can kill you in 2 hits
@shortstories @Tepid_Tapir I don't know about easily. It depends on the human I suppose. I doubt a quadriplegic would put up much of a fight. They don't really attack humans unless absolutely desperate or cornered. The chance of being attacked by a mountain lion are about 1 in a billion. You have a much higher chance of winning the lottery jackpot than getting attacked by a mountain lion.

If I were putting money on a fight to the death between a mountain lion and a seasoned hiker my money is absolutely on the hiker and the mountain lion feels the same way.

Basically what you're seeing here is your standard dog-like creature:
@sjw @shortstories @Tepid_Tapir A mountain lion would absolutely fuck up the average woman, a man could fight back, but if the cat does what cats do best, ambush, the man would still die without knowing basic first aid.
@sjw @shortstories @Tepid_Tapir But yes, there are way easier things to kill, so they would have no reason to attack.
@Mamako @shortstories @Tepid_Tapir that's why I said seasoned hiker. A novice hiker could go either way but a seasoned hiker knows how to survive.
@sjw @shortstories @Tepid_Tapir The lacerations would be difficult to stem out in the wilderness, depending on where the cat got you and the amount of time before someone save you would be relevant, as the cat can attack with impunity as the human isn't going to chase it down to win a fight. I wouldn't expect tactical thinking from a wild animal, but nature has a way of surprising people.
@sjw @Mamako @shortstories One of yall motherfuckers needs to talk to John Marston cuz his ass and his horse has like a 90% fatality rate when a catamount is about
@sjw @shortstories @Mamako @Tepid_Tapir The gov doesn't want you to know this, but you can take mountain lions, they're free
By the size that looks more like a bobcat than a mountain lion imo, mountain lions are decently sized fuckers and I wouldn't wanna get in a fight with one, tho like you say attacks are rare
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