Rejecting Polygyny was an early stage of the infiltration of the Church with feminism

@shortstories you're a retarded nigger if you actually believe things like this
@eastreed @shortstories

From a eugenics perspective, polygyny by a high-capability male is a good way to work those traits into the general population.

If you have one dude who is IQ 140, good natural eyesight, no teeth decay, vertically aligned facial features, high muscles, no cancer in his family history, etc. you should hook him up with as many 125+ IQ women of good health and character as possible.

IMHO this was done in ancient times by women who "shared" semen on fingertips.
@amerika @shortstories i just think think polygamy is gay and immoral my nigger. if the rest of the world wants to be retards then fuck them, i'm not jesus, it's not my problem to save them
@eastreed @shortstories

Morality is a human fiction designed to make losers feel better. I am interested only in function, which is why I inserted the preamble.

I would suggest that people also look at psychological impacts here. Sperm sharing is less traumatic than partner swapping IMHO.

@amerika @eastreed

Polygyny is not necessarily swapping

It can be one ma!e with lifetime exclusive relationships with only the multiple women he is married to which would be lifetime polyfidelity commitments

Polyfidelity is different than polyamory

And I think donations are a lower risk of stds then other methods

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