
Do not know if this is true

Why Restricting Video Games As A Parent Is Actually Damaging


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The only thing you should let kids play is old school atari. It emulates life. You may get the high score, or you may suck and die, but either way you're dying, nigger.

"Life is tough. Fuck you." — the guy made centipede prolly.


If you speed run sonic 1, 2 and 3 then your reading speed will increase

They can only play games that they write the programming code for themself

Now that I'm older, I think everything went to shit when CPS1 came out. Everything became cookie cutter. Prior to that era, there were some bizarre and creative games. No one knew what the fuck they were doing.


Sega Genesis and Nintendo games that I know of are mostly skilled based and potentially good for your brain in some situations

Final Fantasy 7 started a trend of games that waste people's time when it is mostly graphics not game play

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