If God is all powerful and all knowing and wants you to believe or know God exists
Then God could already have done what God knows would convince you that God exists
Maybe convincing you that God exists is not very high on God's priorities
Or maybe God does not exist or does not have some of those listed properties
What would convince you of God's existence?
Emerson Green
What if God exists and is more powerful and more knowing than all other sentient beings but is not all powerful and all knowing
@shortstories I don't know about your religion, but I'm catholic, God is very forgiving and gives lots of second chances.
Civilizations that become atheists tend to slowly collapse, bringing death and misery to it's members. I would say a slow collapse with plenty of years to correct course is before wiping out the non believers gives a lot of second chances.
@shortstories If God existed, then why would his purported omnipotence and omniscience allow for his children to not believe in Him? Kind of a self-defeating prophecy to permit the denial of one's existence...