the right wants order and will always reach for the nearest order even if they've seen how broken it is.

it's like Gell-Mann Amnesia, but for politics.

@Humpleupagus @sickburnbro

Right wing people who send kids to public school are usually not rreally right wing

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It's funny because my kids are smarter and more well behaved than public school kids. Public schools are a hot bed for diseases of the personality and mind. And I'm not just blaming teachers per se (but don't think I'm letting them off the hook either. That's another rant). It's also in part that good people are putting their kids in regular contact with bad kids. Habits get picked up and behaviors spread.
@Humpleupagus @shortstories @sickburnbro quick side bar, what curicullum or materials did you go with for your kids? my oldest isn't kindergarten age yet but we're looking to not send him to gay commie gov school

@dictatordave @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro

Just read this book every day to them at bedtime instead of bedtime stories

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

@shortstories @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro and we were just about to go from a is for airplane to some marcus aurelius

@dictatordave @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro

So they do not have to have the level of reading comprehension required to read it because you read it

And if they have questions about big vocabulary words then you tell them you will get back to them on that and look it up later and tell them what you find out

Then you look up the words and explain later and that way you create the lesson plan based on their questions

If I could recommend anything for really young children (two or three y/o) the Endless Alphabet, Reader, and Numbers apps really work. They think they're playing, but they're actually learning how to read, spell, add, etc. It won't do shit for older kids though.
@Humpleupagus @shortstories @sickburnbro i'll have to grab
we got one of those kids tablets a while back for my son when we were flying out west and we dont like to do too much screen time even with like mrs rachel or something on tv but that does sound like it would be helpful, and he's at that age where he's excited to know numbers and letters

@dictatordave @Humpleupagus @sickburnbro
Der Giftpilz (German for "The Poisonous Mushroom" or "The Toadstool") is a piece of antisemitic Nazi propaganda published as a children's book by Julius Streicher in 1938
"An English-language translation of the book was produced by U.S. neo-Nazi activist Gary Lauck, and thereafter marketed on his website for $10

I have found English translations of the book the poisonous mushroom for free online in pdf format in the past

My kids loved the Little Einstein series 15 years ago or whenever that shit came out…
@DeezMistaReez @Humpleupagus @shortstories @sickburnbro baby einstein?
my oldest used to watch that when he was younger
they go off the rails a little throwing in foreign languages, several of them, when its like c'mon guyz they're still barely understanding english as it is
There was baby einstein, then there was little Einstein for the slightly older ones. My son was sucked into that show, and I do believe it helped him learn quite a bit at an early age.
It's really a patch work of sources and materials, workbooks, etc. plus some hands on stuff given my and my wife's different skill sets. She's a visual artist... ahe can paint, draw, sew, etc. She has a six foot cabinet and a hutch full of art and sewing supplies.

We're both musicians. We have a baby grand, several guitars, two drum kits, and many other instruments.

I'm more analytical though, but have zero visual art skills. I'm the better musician, and she'll readily admit that. I'm also a better logician and far more "fluid" thinker too. I know my way around computers and networks also, so I assist the kids and my wife by giving them the technical resources they need and otherwise by helping them learn to teach themselves (this is ultimately what you want kids to learn. With the modern imternet, the possibilities are pretty much endless if you know how to learn how to know how).

We do a bit of "unschooling" too. Kids are always learning. Sometimes you just want them to think they're playing. And the truth is, learning never ends. The distinction between "home" and "school" is an artificial one maintained by the state.
Tl;dr I might just act like an ass in the internet. I may be smart. Dunno. 🤷‍♂️
the internet is the best place to act like an ass.
@Myshkin @Humpleupagus @shortstories @sickburnbro it really is the best place to have a cathartic experience and act out, puts you on a more even keel irl, and imo that's why so many people freak the fuck out, they use platforms like fakebag and twatter and tiktard that keep them crunched in a box

but it sounds like i'm on the right path, we're kinda thinking the same approach with unschooling and hands on as well of course as the basics especially in the elementary school time frame. they dont need to be yelled at for not sitting still for 8hrs imo and their time is better spent with us.

ps i'm a musician too and my wife loves craft stuff so i think it'll be fine, just seems daunting until you really look at how most public school teachers aren't intelligent and they deal with like 30 kids so 1 will be easy imo and his brother will gain from our trial and error
The big issue for most is having the time. I'm self-employed and have a very flexible schedule. My wife does admin work for me in the evening, so her days are competely free.
@Humpleupagus @shortstories @Myshkin @sickburnbro yea we're sorting some real estate decisions and then i think i'm going to just move to contract cad work, maybe do something else too on the side but the wife is a nurse who works nights a couple shifts a month so our schedules are very conducive to keeping our kids out of the beast system

so we figure why not, and we've got some friends who are also in the same boat that we trust and we've talked about taking up different specialties, so i'd do music, literature and history and this other friend of ours is a big math guy so he can teach them that

i guess people just get numb to the reality of the world and have to compartmentalize and give up, or they're just stupid and still trust gov schools, i dunno which is worse
I tried doing it in public, but everyone gets all weird when you start calling them faggots and niggers. 🙄
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