I am opposed to people marrying women below the legal age but I think the legal age should get lowered but I am opposed to lowering the legal age as young as Orthodox Jews have
But I do not think it is consistent to say that women over the legal age still act like children while also saying that a certain age is too young to get married because when they get older they always say they regret it while also saying it is wrong to say people did not consent because they regret it later
1 Can understand what they are getting into
2 Can economically survive on their own without getting married so someone can not say they were economically coerced into marriage. Should be mentally & physically capable to farm their own food. They can choose to depend on husband for economics without being forced to marry because they can not economically survive without their husband
This would result in a different percent that meet those criteria at different ages
I am opposed to people marrying other people who are below the legal age of consent but
If a 12 year old can do calculus but can not choose to get married but a 40 year old who can not multiply numbers without a calculator can get married
Then the laws for consent need to change so that we do not have a bunch of incompetant people reproducing because they are old enough while preventing competant people from reproducing earlier
I would estimate around close to 0 percent meet the criteria for consent to marriage at 3 years old but Orthodox Jews set the age at about 3 years old or maybe even younger with the age of betrothal at birth