If Christianity is to blame for feminism and or women's so called right to vote then
Explain the existence of Queens in non Christian cultures
Explain the existence of Democracy in Greece independent of Christianity
Where is the right to vote in the Bible
Is there is a right for anyone male or female to vote to tax people through fraud, violence and the threat of violence anywhere in the Bible
Rome turned what was called Christianity into a tax payer funded welfare power scheme by setting the precident of enforcing voting in Church councils eventually leading to feminism since only corrupt authority figures were in charge of the flow of information in the Church when anyone who did not agree that the truth could be determined by voting was purged from the Church structure and these corrupt individuals could easily be bribed by non Christian Jews
The Bible lumps tax collectors together with other lists of wrong doers
Telling someone to pay taxes to a robber is not the same as telling them they have the right to collect taxes through robbery
All this Church voting started with constantine centuries after Christianity and they were copying the Roman government model because constantine made them do it