
Most people think either life spontaneously generated from non living things then evolved or was supernaturally created out of nothing but there is a third option

If the Universe is Eternal and life always existed then life never had to come from non living things



Giordano Bruno

" He also insisted that the universe is infinite and could have no center."

"charges made against Bruno by the Roman Inquisition were:"

"claiming the existence of a plurality of worlds and their eternity"

"Cause of death
Execution by burning at the stake"


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Genesis 1

Day 1 light

1 + 3 = 4

Day 4 stars that emit light

Day 2 water

2 + 3 = 5

Day 5 things that live in the water

Day 3 Land

3 + 3 = 6

Day 6 things that live on land

Day 6 man's sin and the execution of Jesus on Friday

Day 7 the Sabbath
Jesus rests buried underground on Saturday

Day 8 Sunday this is like Day 1 restrarting the weekly cycle with Jesus Ressurection on Sunday the day of the creation of light

Can be structures of things instead of order of events


Hebrew numbers are not always numbers because they sometimes use letters to represent numbers instead of arabic number symbols where the distinction between letters and numbers are clear

The so called days in Genesis might be a list of categories of kinds of things God created instead of a timeline in numeric order

If this is so

God could have created a universe that is eternal both forward and backwards in time and that is not a finite amount of time old

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