
Biblical Families has had two primary purposes: (a) to host a site online where people from all over the world can find Bible teaching and other information on plural marriage, as well as other believers to ask questions of and bounce ideas around with, and (b) to facilitate retreats and other gatherings where like-minded families and individuals are able to meet, form relationships and friendships, and enjoy Christian worship and fellowship together.


“I confess that I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict the Scripture. If a man wishes to marry more than one wife he should be asked whether he is satisfied in his conscience that he may do so in accordance with the word of God. In such a case the civil authority has nothing to do in the matter.”
– Martin Luther


Biblicalfamiles dot org

One of the most conservative Christian Resources or Organizations I can think of



Someone who I thought was soylent jeremy the author of this article used to have both a werbsite and a youtube channel with a play list going through a topic overview of different parts of the whole Bible from a anarcho capitalist perspective but I do not know where to find it anymore

The first episode in a playlist in the series was about Christianity and the Bible and the non aggression principle

If you can find it let me know

That is conservative


Christian Ultra Libertarians for Truth

cult dot love



You can become ordained Pastor through a online certificate for maybe 20 dollars at maybe Universal Life Church and become Pastor of what you consider to be the most conservative Christian Denomination



If you want to go to a random Church but you get to pick the denomination then I would suggest Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

I do not agree with them on a bunch of things but they are usually more reasonable if I go into a random Church than the other denominations and they are very consistent

They Stick to the 10 commandments & the gospel

They do not understand the gospel well because they focus on forgiveness and ignore the power of the gospel to influence behavior

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0


"*The main facets of doctrinal difference between the WELS and the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) include:"


I think you well be happier with WELS than Missouri Synod because Missouri might withhold communion or the Eucharist from you unless you agree that Missouri Synod is the only way and complete a special class and have no independent thought for disagreement


Over 40 different Lutheran denominations currently exist in North America. However, most North American Lutherans belong to one of the three largest denominations, namely, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, or the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.[citation needed]



"The denomination’s official website states that, “The Church of the Nazarene believes that every man or woman should be treated with dignity, grace, and holy love, whatever their sexual orientation.” However, the current Manual of the Church of the Nazarene, which dictates policy from 2017 to 2021, also states, "the practice of same-sex sexual intimacy is contrary to God’s will for human sexuality."


I would also suggest looking into Nazarene


Methodist used to be good because they taught how God's grace can influence behavior to help people live more moral lives

But then they changed and became pro LGBTQ

Nazarene however dissaproves of choosing to act on LGBTQ behavior while still having compassion on people with LGBTQ temptations

I think it might be tolerant of conservative thought unlike modern methodists but has methodist lineage

But I have never been to a Nazarene Church



Click on

"Unofficial Home Page of The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church"

The Church of the East is the oldest Church with a confirmed line that I know of tracing back to 431 AD

It's USA headquarters I believe are in Chicago under Mar Dinkha

And unlike the Ashkenazi Jews it has a long history of semetic languages and their hereditary pope most likely has a much higher percent Israelite ancestry line than Ashkenazi Jews


If Oldest is most conservative then Church of the East might be the most conservative you can find

Church of the East existed in 431

Oriental Orthodox 451

Eastern Orthodox and Old Roman Catholics 1054

Lutherans 1517

Anglicans 1534


"Trump spoke at a 9/11 'Moonies' conference organized by the widow of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, praising the controversial Unification Church"

"A former member said the group had deep ties to the modern Republican Party."




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