"Combat current and future swine diseases with SEQUIVITY from Merck Animal Health. A revolutionary swine vaccine platform, SEQUIVITY harnesses RNA particle technology"



Were RNA vaccines being injected into pigs as part of a Jewish conspiracy to infect Goyim who eat pig derived products

1 Yes

2 RNA vaccines were injected into pigs used in food products but not as a Jewish conspiracy

3 RNA vaccines have not been injected into pigs used for food products



The Sequivity IAV-S NA vaccine is the first commercial vaccine that uses only the influenza neuraminidase surface antigen to vaccinate pigs against influenza strains H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2. The NA RNA particles in the vaccine are produced using the innovative Sequivity platform technology from Merck Animal Health that previously has been used to target existing and emerging swine pathogens.


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