"Combat current and future swine diseases with SEQUIVITY from Merck Animal Health. A revolutionary swine vaccine platform, SEQUIVITY harnesses RNA particle technology"



Were RNA vaccines being injected into pigs as part of a Jewish conspiracy to infect Goyim who eat pig derived products

1 Yes

2 RNA vaccines were injected into pigs used in food products but not as a Jewish conspiracy

3 RNA vaccines have not been injected into pigs used for food products

@LysanderMooner @shortstories So Vegan are save we don't need to worry about Vaccines in our beans 😏😏


@VeganMGTOW @LysanderMooner

They developed molecular tests to identify which siRNAs are efficient at fighting viruses. In laboratory experiments with tobacco plants, they showed they could pick the winners and use them as a vaccine against the tomato bushy stunt virus, which slows growth and damages leaves in tobacco plants. The best siRNA, sprayed on the leaves, protected 90% of the plants, the team reports this month in the journal Nucleic Acids Research.


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@shortstories @LysanderMooner Well aleast I can wash away Those molecules risen My veggies You cannot rinse meat as far I am aware.

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