The amount of fat in meat is more dangerous than the protein in it unless you eat more meat than what the average person does or more protein from all sources including meat or have a unusual medical condition
Most people do not get enough protein according to some articles that fit my bias that I think are true
Based on reading a lot of nutrition labels and seeing what people eat and reading a lot of recommendations for protein quantities by various sources
@dcc @ACL9000 @epictittus
Depends on your exercise intensity and exercise schedule and other factors
Some people eat both too much non essential fat and too much carbs
Too perform at a high intensity for long duration carbs help and fat can not be used as a primary fuel source for this
At above about 700 Calories per hour more than 50% of fuel used by body is carb and the more calories per hour the greater the percent
fat adds body weight that slows you down and does not fuel heavy exercise