The Dutchman

The Dutchman


The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, known as the Kerner Commission after its chair, Governor Otto Kerner Jr. of Illinois, was an 11-member Presidential Commission established in July 1967 by President Lyndon B. Johnson in Executive Order 11365 to investigate the causes of over 150 riots throughout the country in 1967 and to provide recommendations that would prevent them from reoccurring.[1]

The report was released in 1968 after seven months of investigation. Rather than attributing the rioting to a small group of outsiders or trouble-makers ("riffraff") as many prior riot investigations had done[2] or to radicals or a foreign conspiracy as almost three-fourths of white America believed,[3] the Commission concluded that the rioting was a response to decades of "pervasive discrimination and segregation."

3 / 4 of whites knew of a conspiracy and they hid it

Myrdal believed he saw a vicious cycle in which whites oppressed blacks, leading to poor standards of education, health, morality, etc. among blacks that was then used as justification for prejudice and discrimination. The way out of this cycle, he argued, was to either reduce white prejudice, which would improve the circumstances of blacks, or to improve the circumstances of blacks, which would then reduce the reasons for white prejudice.

"reduce white prejudice"

If there are differences, it must be because of social conditions, because everyone is equal, right? 😒


It is because of social conditions because Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews enslaved blacks and then used their power to systematically brainwash blacks

And then framed White Gentiles for what they did to blacks as a social influence program to get blacks to behave badly

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On average there are genetic differences that effect cognition, including the capacity for empathy, recognition of the other, and threshold for violence. Humans are not tabula rasa.

@Humpleupagus @shortstories a greater predisposition to impulsivity and low IQ is probably explained by the relative resource and predator abundance of equatorial geographies, they don't demand the temperament of northern climates

I imagine harsh winters were a genetic bottleneck too.

@Humpleupagus @LysanderMooner

Any alleged genetic inferiority from evolving in Africa instead of Europe is less than the genetic problems caused by evolving while getting free welfare hand outs for single mothers

@shortstories @Humpleupagus I didn't allege inferiority, I alleged adaptation. Different environments require different adaptions

@LysanderMooner @Humpleupagus

Because you get more welfare and are better able to reproduce if you score lower on an IQ test, it is not inferior in terms of achieving reproduction

@shortstories in a way its adaptively superior in the short run because the welfarist expends less calories to reproduce at the expense of their competitiond reproductive potential

In the end, the parasite kills its host and, thereby, itself.
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