my magnesium says "soy free" on the bottle, i was like "well you'd think that would go without saying"
@JustJohnny @BowsacNoodle @xuya @Twoinchdestroya i mean, i don't agree with him, tofu is falvorless mass of crap, but he ain't a kike sheesh.
@givenup @xuya @Twoinchdestroya Tofu takes on flavor. Miso so is good and mandolin thin sliced tofu fried in butter takes on bacon-esque flavor. It's good for what it is. @JustJohnny I'm no jew and not very fond of them. I'm just willing to eat foods prepared for me out of respect for hosts, and I have some vegetarian friends.

@BowsacNoodle @xuya @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya

If you take firm tofu slice it up thin and pan fry it in canola oil then it tastes good

does not require butter which contains animal fat

Does not taste like bacon to me

Also just frozen non-GMO soy beans with shells removed called edamame beans with the right spices added cooked in the microwave in a microwave safe bowl tastes good

@shortstories @xuya @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya I don't like to use canola oil for much when I can help it; butter gives it something more substantial and salty. Edamame is easy on the stomach which is nice, but I generally don't like eating soy of any type because I get enough xenoestrogens living in this world as it is. Soy sauce is my only regular form.
@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @xuya @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya Canola is unholy industrial lubricant while butter and olive oil are blessings given directly from God.

@BadOptniks @xuya @BowsacNoodle @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya

I believe that Canola oil provides more ALA omega 3 per volume or mass than olive oil which does not even make the list but I could be wrong about that

"olive oil does contain omega 3 fatty acids, but in relatively low quantities compared to other sources"


@BadOptniks @xuya @BowsacNoodle @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya

The grainfed beef sample contained 30mg of alpha-Linolenic acid (the only significant omega 3 oil found in beef) per 100g pattie sample. The equivalent grassfed sample contained triple the amount – 90mg.

“There’s no contesting that the omega 3 in grassfed beef is higher. But the key point is, a woman’s requirement for alpha-Linolenic acid is 1600mg per day, while a man needs 1800mg,” he said.

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@BadOptniks @xuya @BowsacNoodle @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya

Good luck eating 2 kilograms of beef every day at 90 mg per 100 grams to get your omega 3 of 1800 mg

@shortstories @xuya @BowsacNoodle @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya One stick of butter a day for women. How did people survive all these thousands of years without these precious industrial age oils
@shortstories @BadOptniks @xuya @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya >eating 2 kilograms of beef every day at 90 mg per 100 grams to get your omega 3 of 1800 mg
The dream.
@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @xuya @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya I eat about 3lbs of meat a day, usually ribeye or chuck or fish and 6ish eggs. Never boring it's literally like living a dream and cheaper when you don't need sides and fillers to be satiated.
@BadOptniks @shortstories @xuya @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya Incredibly based. I've unfortunately learned to be less of a "not a meal of there ain't meat!" guy over the years, but I'd like to change that. Are you full carnivore?
@BowsacNoodle @shortstories @xuya @givenup @JustJohnny @Twoinchdestroya Yes, it's very easy too. I stick to meat little fish and occasionally chicken wings, eggs, bacon, butter, salt. Very little dairy, no milk ever. Never have cravings but black coffee took some adjusting at first. I only drink on special occasions, and stick to whiskey neat when I do.
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