I told my Muslim cousin I wouldn't even know what I'm saying if I prayed in Arabic and he said "you just gotta feel it"

Which honestly makes me wonder if the 5 daily prayer ritual triggers an epigenetic expression or neuroplastic adaptation that contributes to Muslim faithfulness


Most Muslims I talked to who were going out of their way to publicly proselytize Islam and who were male

Seem to claim that you can not trust the Bible since you know it changed because each English translation has a different text

They do not understand that the question would be if the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic original texts changed

They insist on only the Quran in Arabic counting

But most Muslims throughout the world can not read Arabic



Since they can not read Arabic they could not have read the Quran in Arabic and concluded with logic, reason, and evidence that the information in the Arabic Quran is correct

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If I remember correctly Usama Dakdok had Egyptian Christian Parents and studied Islam in Egypt

He translated the Quran into English

He is one of the best scholarly resources on Islam

He claims to be a Christian

In my opinion he does not understand Christianity as well as he should because some of his objections to Islam are not logical for example, the Bible clearly allows polygyny but he complains about polygyny in Islam

He fails to name the Jew


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